Constipation is a complaint most of us have suffered from at some point in our lives. It has many different causes, such as poor diet, lack of activity, overuse of laxatives or even prescription medication. Constipation can also be the result of mental or emotional issues in our lives. When we feel stress or anxiety all the time, our body reacts. One of those reactions can be constipation.
There are several things that we can do to improve our working.
- Increase the amount of fibre in the diet. Fibre such as rice or oat bran helps to absorb water, this softens the stools and helps them pass. However, it is important that you maintain or increase your water consumption for the fibre to work effectively.
- Take up something like yoga. There are several postures that help to improve the elimination of waste from the body. Please check with a qualified yoga instructor before trying these techniques to learn how to do them correctly.
- Massage is an especially useful tool in helping to move things along. Rubbing the abdomen in a clockwise direction several times each day will help to improve the body’s peristaltic action. Make small circular motions in the same place over the abdomen for ten rotations, then move your fingers around. This will be uncomfortable if the intestines are full but adding an essential oil like lavender to the massage will help to relax any tension in the area.
- Walking daily for 30-40 minutes at a brisk pace is important in stimulating the metabolism and pelvic area.
- Engaging in 30 minutes of exercise every day will help to maintain regular bowel action. This exercise can be housework, gardening or taking a walk around the block with your pet or just yourself.
- The more whole foods we eat the less likely we are going to suffer from constipation. Avoiding processed foods that contain colour, flavours and additives will always make a difference to our overall health and really help constipation.
The most important thing is to work out why the issue exists and then deal with the cause. Always check with your healthcare practitioner about what is the best treatment for you.
As we get older our bowel action will change. Be aware that lifestyle maybe making us unwell. Look at when you noticed the problem and what was happening around that time in your life. Discovering the cause will help you to look after your bowel and help to avoid more complexed health issues in the future.
Happy Health