We all react differently to stressors and anxiety. However, it is not invisible and can be detected among a range of physical, emotional and intellectual signs. It is up to us to recognize the individual signs that relate to ourselves and families. This is particularly important for children, as they will not always recognise the signs. Behaviour can change. Eating and sleeping patterns can change. We will be more susceptible to infections. We all know that when our children are upset we feel the pain. We want to be able to help. The reverse is the same for children. They are very susceptible to our energy and will pick up on our tension as well. Communication and a good nutritional regime including diet and supplementation, if appropriate, is essential to get through the tough times in our lives.
Concentration is often the first thing that suffers. We have trouble remembering where we put the keys. Children will not want to read or do things they once did. Toddlers may revert back to wetting the bed. Older children may not cope with schoolwork as well. Long term stressors will effect memory and peoples names may go. Everyday things will be forgotten like paying that telephone bill.
Physically the signs will vary depending on age and frequency of tension. The most common areas of tension are the forehead, shoulders, stomach, face and back, but can show up anywhere in the body. An involuntary twitch of the eye can be a sign, hiccups can be a sign, our perspiration can increase: you may feel or hear your heart racing, or going red in the face often happens and your body may feel cool and damp. We can sometimes tremble and feel nausea. Biting nails is sometimes a sign of stress. Not being able to speak, feeling faint or dizzy is not uncommon. Our breathing will change and will often become fast and heavy. Each of us will manifest our tension differently.
If you noticed any or some of these signs and symptoms recurring regularly then it is important to assess what may be causing the problem and work out a solution with your healthcare practitioner. This could include a combination of behavioral, lifestyle and nutritional changes.
Not addressing the situation may lead to more complicated health issues in the future. Wouldn’t it be prudent to take a supportive supplement now and change some things in your life than wait till you have no choice. Prevention is the key to a stress free life.
Hope you enjoyed the read.