What you need to know when choosing a Naturopath

There are changes afoot with a number of natural health modalities happening on or around the 1st of April 2019.  Naturopaths and Western Herbalist are among them. So when we are looking for a Naturopath, it is important to consider a number of things that indicate that you are dealing with a Professional Health Care Practitioner.

These are:

  1. That the practitioner has been approved by the TGA (Therapeutic goods administration).
  2. We have the appropriate insurance cover.
  3. We belong to a registered Australian Association, that is appropriate to their practicing modality. eg: ATMS, ANTA,  CMA, NHAA.

If you are unsure that a Naturopath will be able to help you then give them a ring and have a chat before making an appointment.  Naturopaths are not GPs, we do not write pharmaceutical prescriptions. There are a number of “Integrated” Medical and  Allied health  practitioners that now use nutrients in a similar way to Naturopaths.  However a Naturopath is trained differently. We are trained to looked at the complete body as a whole, not just the damaged parts.

We are able to work successfully along side your Medical and Allied health practitioners in finding a balanced approach for health care for you and your family.   It is important to let all your health care providers know that you have decided to see a Naturopath so that both treatments integrate for the best results possible.

If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact me for a chat.

Happy Health

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